織った人に会いたい!リンジンさんとワンモさん Aum Rinzin and Aum Wangmo, we want to meet you !
今度ブータンに行ったら絶対会いに連れていってもらおう。その気持をKelzang Handicraftの看板娘ヌモちゃんに伝えると、会いに行って写真を送ってくれたのです。感激です。
I requested Numo san of Kelzang Handicraft ( Bhutan ) to take me to the weaver’s place in my next visit to Bhutan. I was really curious who could weave such beautiful textile. Numo san is so kind to meet them and sent the pictures for me.

リンジンさんは他の織物も織れますが、今は帯を専門に織っています。私が感動したスカイブルーの帯はKelzang Handicraftのジャンベさんがデザインしてリンジンさんが織り上げたそうです。総シルクの一面に模様が織り込まれた帯、しっとり、しなやか、重みもあり、他にはない素晴らしい帯です。織るのも相当大変です。
I was so excited to see the pictures and felt as if I could meet them in person. Aum Rinzin and her mother Aum Wangmo. Aum Rinzin can weave other textiles but now she is exclusively weaving Kera ( belts ). She is the one who wove the ” Sky blue Kera ” specially designed by Aum Jambay of Kelzang Handicraft, fully covered with fine patterns, elegant, graceful expression. I have never seen the belt like this.
Aum Wangmo used to weave any kind of textiles but now as her age over 70s, she is weaving only Kera. She is told by family not to work but just stay relax at home, but she does not listen. She has been spending time by weaving, she thinks she will have nothing to do if not weaving.

I wish I would practice and get skills of weaving like both of them. But how many times do I need to repeat life generations being born and die ? Weaving work is often mentioned ” hard work ” but ” hard work ” is not enough to weave. So much of skills and sense which is only possible to obtain through continuous careful weaving practice in many years are required. It is miracle that Bhutan has many such skilled weaving experts. They are the real treasures of the country.

I am dreaming the day I can meet Aum Rinzin and Aum Wangmo. I want to meet more weaving experts too to talk and sip local wine with them. I wish all Japanese who love textiles meet them and I am sure all will get surprised by their talent. Weavers of Bhutan deserve to be admired in the world.
They are from Dunkhar village in Kurtoe region, Eastern Bhutan. Dunkhar is know as the origin of the Royal family. I could learn some very interesting stories of old days from Aum Wangmo, maybe details in another chance.